3ci Download Directory Listing

File Size Last Modified
20130421 Handover.mp3 50.77 MB Aug 27th 2024 at 8:18am
20170330_Faith_Terry_Virgo.mp3 25.31 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
20180916PM-Words.mp3 5.48 MB Sep 16th 2018 at 6:27pm
20181009-Stellenbosh_Prayer.mp3 29.02 MB Oct 10th 2018 at 7:07am
20190407.mp3 21.17 MB Apr 9th 2019 at 10:38am
ADesireForGod.mp3 19.78 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
AdoptedToSonship.mp3 13.95 MB Jun 17th 2018 at 8:37am
A letter from prison - Long.mp3 21.83 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
ALetterFromPrison.mp3 16.3 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
Ancient_Truths_for_Modern_Moms.mp3 13.17 MB May 12th 2019 at 8:28am
AssuranceOfSalvation.mp3 15.22 MB Feb 19th 2019 at 10:16am
BlessThisMess.mp3 15.41 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
BuildingTheBase.mp3 17.23 MB Feb 24th 2019 at 8:58am
Christmas Day 2016.mp3 15.26 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
Courage to live in South Africa.mp3 13.89 MB Aug 26th 2018 at 8:39am
Dave Walland.mp3 18.3 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
Dreams.mp3 24.35 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
GoodNewsGreatJoy.mp3 10.84 MB Dec 25th 2018 at 8:09am
Gospel_Choreography_Rigby_Wallace.mp3 19.66 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:15am
HeWhoBaganAGoodWork.mp3 19.7 MB Nov 11th 2018 at 9:00am
Holy_Ambition_Rigby_Wallace.mp3 21.94 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:16am
Kim_Midgely_on_faith.mp3 15.58 MB Nov 13th 2018 at 11:14am
Ladies High Tea with Wendy Virgo.mp3 18.56 MB Sep 9th 2018 at 2:06pm
LifeOutsideTheGarden.mp3 16.75 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:16am
Listen_and_Obey.mp3 19.01 MB Aug 19th 2018 at 8:51am
LivingStones.mp3 19.69 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:17am
LostAndFound.mp3 17.73 MB Nov 13th 2018 at 11:14am
Make a move.mp3 16.95 MB Sep 2nd 2018 at 9:24am
NailedToTheCross.mp3 11.37 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:16am
OpenMyEyes.mp3 5.35 MB Dec 4th 2018 at 8:54am
OurFatherWhoIsInHeaven.mp3 18.08 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:17am
Pailagi.mp3 15.83 MB Apr 14th 2019 at 5:50pm
PatienceIsAVirtue_Rigby_Wallace.mp3 25.26 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:18am
PeacewithGod.mp3 12.41 MB Apr 1st 2018 at 8:25am
Prayer.mp3 17.59 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:18am
RespondingToTheCallOfGod.mp3 22.6 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:19am
Romans8.mp3 7.42 MB Nov 4th 2018 at 8:41am
SayingAmen.mp3 16.9 MB Sep 16th 2018 at 8:54am
Sow That Seed.mp3 16.26 MB Sep 4th 2018 at 6:15am
StandFirm_Leonard_Rutten.mp3 18.49 MB May 20th 2018 at 9:02am
TheCallofGodonYourLife.mp3 15.37 MB May 20th 2018 at 5:58pm
TheCallsOfChristmas.mp3 13.2 MB Nov 13th 2018 at 11:13am
The crisis that nearly happened.mp3 21.6 MB Sep 9th 2018 at 5:51pm
TheDayOfAtonement.mp3 16.53 MB Sep 16th 2018 at 6:13pm
TheManyHandsOfGod.mp3 12.94 MB Nov 13th 2018 at 11:14am
ThePracticeOfThePresenceOfGod.mp3 21.14 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:19am
TheShipsof3Ci.mp3 13.41 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:19am
TheUnyieldingLove.mp3 15.58 MB Mar 30th 2018 at 8:45am
The Word came to Jonah_Web.jpg 32.86 KB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:18am
TheWordOfTheLordCameToJonah.mp3 21 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:20am
TheWorkingWaitingandWonder.mp3 16.55 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:20am
Unbroken.mp3 16.47 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:21am
Vibrant 20180915.mp3 35.97 MB Sep 18th 2018 at 11:03am
We are the people of God.mp3 22.28 MB Sep 9th 2018 at 9:13am
WhatMattersMostInLife.mp3 19.28 MB Mar 8th 2018 at 7:21am

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